Saturday, July 2, 2011


Hello everyone, Hello July, hopefully this month brings lots of goodness for us. Too much fun and exciting things that I havent told here. Time flies so fast, already one month after I passed from high school. I feel very relieved satisfied happy and proud with what I have accomplished. And congrats for all BHK's 3rd graders. My feelings mixed at Graduation day. I loved being at this school, approximately three years. Many things are hard to forget. Honestly I hate the farewell. I hate how time goes so fast. But that's life. there was a meeting there must be separation. I've felt match and comfortable with friends like them. They were like my own family.  

"We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at last one which makes the heart run over".
So heres the photos of my Graduation Day
A week before graduation, I got busy looking for cloth and designing my kebaya. As time is tight, I could just put a simple sequins. But I think pretty sweet, with a blend of purple. I want to look natural in the graduation ceremony, So, i dont use full makeup.
Di lorong yang penuh dengan rasa deg degan..
lost in the crowd
and were singing together for us, our teacher and our parents. And we brought a candle that will enlighten the darkness. Kita pun sudah menyediakan rangkaian bunga mawar untuk guru guru dan orangtua. What a sweet moment.
And here it is, my girls, my bitches. Agatha Puteri, Cindy Fertina, Stephanie Naomi and me. I love them. Every day when at school I always spend time with them. And I miss them so much. Guys, I cant forget every sweet thing that weve been through together. Remember, all of you are my special best friends. I love you :*
She is Deanni. I love her kebaya, and make up. She looks so beautiful :)
And she is Kelly. Ah, dia temen yang super unyu. Car, I miss you. Bakalan kangen masa masa sma. Im always pleased when I have a sharing time with her. Lets meet up and have a sushi and sharing time together car :)
Me and Wiko.
This is my class and my private les club. Too much unforgetable moments.
And its me, at yearbook.

I think I
still want to write, just like still like to spend time with them. I just wanted to say thank you very much for a full year of memories.
And Thank you God, for always there to help me, support me and bless me. I love you all


  1. thanks for your lovely comment dear :)
    CONGRATUlATION for you ♥ we have the same age btw :D
    would you like to follow each other ? let me know :)

  2. thank you for your comment :D
    Lovely blog. <3

  3. i just following yu back dear :) thanks anyway , lets make a friend <3

  4. @ade kurnianingrum : thankyou dear. nice to know you in here :D yup, lets make a friend hehe

    @the caramel lady : thank you :)



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